About Priya

Living 365 is more than a business, it’s a lifestyle and a movement.

Coaching with Priya Ali

Priya Ali, a dedicated entrepreneur and mother of four, has led a successful personal and executive coaching practice, Living 365, since 2007. Living 365 is dedicated to enabling dramatic personal and professional growth amongst its clients. Through highly personalized coaching and guidance, Living 365 empowers clients to establish positive, productive thought processes and behaviours. Living 365 offers a variety of services for individuals, couples, and professional groups, all of which are dedicated to constructive self-reflection and behavioural change. For both personal and professional goals, Living 365 is dedicated to delivering a customized, holistic approach and measurable results.

Priya uses her training as a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Certified Hypnotherapist and a Certified Emotion Code to assist her clients with rapid and sustainable transformations. 

The Intuitive Goddess

Priya Ali possesses unique intuitive abilities as a third generation Intuitive, Healer and Medium, that she applies in each of Living 365’s service offerings. This intuitive capacity allows her to quickly extract valuable insights from individuals and social groups, providing clients with guidance that is both objective and keenly insightful.

Priya Ali has cultivated her natural talent through a wide range of professional certifications and accreditation to maximize her capacity to support the personal, professional, spiritual and physical goals of her clients. Priya has directly trained under influential mentors and institutions including: Best Selling author Michael Losier, with whom she completed her training as a Certified Law of Attraction Facilitator , The Modern Mystery School where she became a Certified Advanced Healer and Life Activation Practitioner and Doreen Virtue, world renowned 4th generation metaphysician who awarded Priya with her certification as an Angel Therapy Practitioner and Certified Medium.

In addition to these designations, Priya is a Certified Reflexolgist, Certified Emotion Code and Body Code Practitioner, Certified Crystal Healer. She has completed programs through Access Consciousness as a Bars Facilitator and Access Consciousness Foundations as well as Brain Gym 101 through Brain Gym. Priya offers a variety of spiritual and psychic readings as well as a plethora of healing services. All sessions are customized to the clients needs and desires. 

Life Celebrations with Priya

In her efforts to assist others with their Living 365, Priya felt a calling to support, guide and lead others through some of life’s monumental moments. In 2018, Priya became a member of Celebrating Life Ministries where she became a Certified New Life Celebrant offering services for Baby Dedication Ceremonies and Baptisms as well as a Wedding Officiant licensed by the Province of Ontario to perform wedding ceremonies and renewals.  She plans to complete her training in the fall of 2020 as she receives her Funeral Celebrant training allowing her to be recognized as a Life Celebration Specialist.

How Priya Delivers The Results That You Want!

Priya uses her intuitive abilities to sense the root cause of your mind, body or spirit issue. This allows her to move you rapidly into a phase of healing, reprogramming and re-patterning. In addition to her active listening skills,  her clairaudience leads her to a list of questions that efficiently and effectively elicits pertinent details that may take traditional therapists weeks or even months to obtain. As such, profound change is accessible and measurable results are quickly observed.

Priya’s philosophy is that we are all unique individual beings. As such, we require services and methods to align with our individual needs and personalities. Priya takes great care to ensure that she customizes her services on a client-by-client basis, in order to deliver optimal results.  


Priya’s Message

I truly believe that my life purpose is to be in service and of service to others. As a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a friend, a student, a teacher, a community member and an entrepreneur, I have been gifted many experiences throughout life, both positive and negative. My mission and goal is to share my intuition, training and life experience to assist you with creating ease and joy in your life, guiding you to your positive path and redirecting you from any pitfalls. My intention is for the Living 365 Energi and Wellness to be a space for learning, healing, sharing, laughing, loving and Living 365

Let's Work Together!

Could you some assistance to create change in your life? Unsure of where to begin? Stop Waiting. Take the first step and get in touch with us, so you can Start Living 365.

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